Study Medication
What is BHV-7000?
BHV-7000 is a new type of medicine currently being studied to see if it can help people with focal onset epilepsy. This medicine works by targeting specific parts of brain cells called Kv7.2/Kv7.3 potassium ion channels. These channels are like tiny gates that help control the electrical signals moving through the brain. In people with epilepsy, these signals can sometimes become overactive and lead to seizures.
BHV-7000 aims to stabilize these signals, potentially making seizures less frequent and severe. By acting on these specific parts of the brain cells, BHV-7000 may help calm the brain’s excessive electrical activity that leads to seizures, without affecting other parts of the brain’s normal functions. As a result, seizures may be better controlled with less side effects frequently seen with current treatments, such as drowsiness, sedation, mood changes, irritability, and dizziness.
Earlier Phase 1 research has shown BHV-7000 to be successful in treating seizures in different forms of epilepsy and in our most recent studies with healthy volunteers, BHV-7000 was found to be safe and well tolerated.
Administration of the Study Medication
Study participants who randomize into the double-blind treatment phase, will receive either the study drug (25 mg or 50 mg oral tablet of BHV-7000), or a placebo.Placebo is a pill that looks like the study drug, but contains no active ingredients, to be taken once a day.
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