Researching an investigational treatment option for Focal Onset Epilepsy

Epilepsy Stories

Having Epilepsy is not just seizures, it’s the life you live in-between them, the stigma you may face, and the challenges you attempt to overcome. It can feel so isolating and so lonely, but you are NOT alone. There is help and there is hope. Here are seven stories from individuals living with epilepsy.

Meet David

“If someone could live without having a seizure, I think that’s an amazing thing. In the interim, no side effects from drugs. That the big thing if I could focus and not have brain fog and not be as fatigued. I think that would take the sting out of it a little bit. It would just be easier to cope with.”

Meet Emily

“I am incredibly grateful that I get to continue pursuing what I love to do. And living this life that does, it does involve risk. I mean what happened last November when I had a seizure at school… that was a wakeup call for me to reinforce these rules…”

Meet Ilene

“I remember it exactly, I was 16. It was the day that I got my drivers permit. I came home, my mom fixed a special dinner and I was at the dinner table and I dropped my glass and had a seizure at the table. And wasn’t able to get my driver’s license.”

Meet Lauren

“In terms of Epilepsy research, I really hope that one day there might be a cure for it. I’m still having seizures a few times a month so I really hope that as time goes on and I try new medications or as research goes into it, I can find what works for me. I’m really hopeful that one day I won’t experience seizures as much as I do currently.”

Meet Stacy

“I don’t want epilepsy to be impairing anybody’s life any more. I want anyone who is epileptic to be able to live any single life that they have.  And not have to worry about being hurt or scaring others or not being able to do what they want to do.”

Meet Nikki

“The hardest thing is, sometimes you have to disclose your condition for your safety and the safety and the people you work with and so they’re aware. And often people are afraid. It can sometimes change the way that they see you and see what you’re capable of…”

Meet Macie

“It was definitely very eye opening. Cause it’s a scary thing to go through having a seizure. And so, I don’t really take life for granted, anymore, and I feel like I used to.”





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